BBQ Charcoal/Final customer
From África, a standard quality intended for final customer market.
Good quality /price balance, it can also be quite satisfactory for restaurant market.
Made in Europe, from sustainable sources, FSC® certified. It’s production allows toxic and noxious substances elimination. Intended for final customer market, it reveals a good quality, with high calorific power and easy to light.
Restaurant / Professional use
Grade A Quality: From África, made from a strict woods selection, it as a superior calorific power and durability than standard quality.
Good quality/price balance.
Stick finger cuban charcoal quality: From Cuba, intended to professional use, known for it’s cylindrical shape, metallic sound, high calorific power and long durability, result on a higher, comparative, price.
Charcoal Fines
From charcoal selection and classification, the fines (small particules) have innumerable uses, being the most common, raw material for charcoal briquettes produtcion, however this product can be a great ally to increase soil quality, structure and fertility, etc.